Chapter 2 Form 4 - Tutorial 1 (Physics)

Wednesday, December 09, 2015 Admin 0 Comments

Chapter 2: Forces and Motion – Form 4

1. Kinematics is a study of the motion of objects
2. Linear Motion is motion in straight line
3. Distance is a total length of the path travelled by the object. [SI unit is m]                                               {Distance is a Scalar Quantity}
4. Displacement is the distance travelled in a specific direction. [SI unit is m]                                      (the shortest distance from starting point and the ending point) {Displacement is a Vector Quantity}

5. Speed is the rate of change of distance. [SI unit is ms-1]
6. Velocity is the rate of change of displacement. [SI unit is ms-1]
7. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. [SI unit is ms-2]
8. Deceleration is the decreasing of velocity in a period of time. [SI unit is ms-2]

Equation of Linear Motion with Uniform Acceleration

The various equations of linear motion of an object with uniform acceleration are given as follows:
*memorize the first equation.
*the other 3 equations are given in the Formulae List

Tutorial 2 : Forces and Motion
Newton’s First Law of motion (Law of Inertia) states that every object will continue in its state of uniform velocity or at rest unless it is acted upon by an external force.

Inertia is the tendency of an object to remain at rest, or if moving with uniform velocity, to continue its motion in a straight line.

Mass is measurement for the amount of inertia. A body of greater mass will have a greater inertia. It has a greater tendency to maintain its state of motion.
Phenomena of inertia
It is more difficult to push a bucket filled with sand than an empty bucket because the bucket filled with sand has a greater inertia.
 The momentum is defined as the product of its mass (kg) and velocity (ms-1)

Momentum is a measure of motion.  It is a vector quantity (both direction and magnitude). Its direction is the same as the velocity and its unit is kg m s-1 or N s

Calculation in Collision System and Explosion
1. For elastic collision (Langgar Pisah)
         **Kinetic energy also conserve:

2.      For inelastic collision (Langgar Lekat)

3. For Explosion

Newton’s Second Law Motion states that the rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to applied force and acts in the direction of the force. F=ma
Force = Mass (kg) x Acceleration (ms-1)

A push is a push or a pull. It is a vector quantity (both direction and magnitude) and its SI unit is Newton (N).
If 2 force F1=F2. The blocks are either at rest or in uniform velocity since the forces are balanced or the resultant force is zero.

The gravitational field strength is defined as force per unit mass acting on the object. Gravitational field strength,  . The unit for gravitational field strength is N kg-1

Impulsive Force is the force acting on objects in collision or explosion.

Impulse is the product of force and time or the change of momentum. Ft = mv – mu . The SI unit for impulse is Ns or kg m s-1.

There are several safety features installed to a vehicle in order to reduce serious injury to the driver and passengers.
Bumpers are installed at the front and rear parts of vehicle to lengthen the collision time and to             reduce the impulsive force.
Front or rear part of a car can be crumpled easily in order to lengthen the collision time so as to             reduce the impulsive force during an accident.
An air bag is installed inside the steering wheel of a vehicle. It will inflate just as the car                         decelerates during an accident. Hence, the head of the driver which surges forward can 
          be protected.
Steering wheel of a car is made of material soft enough to lengthen the collision time and                       cushion the momentum impact of the driver’s head during an accident.
Dashboard of a car is normally made of material soft enough to lengthen the collision time 
          when the head of the driver collides at it.
Windscreen if a car is manufactured in such a way so that during accidents the pieces of the                   screen chips will not be scattered easily as to hurt the driver or passengers
The tyre of a car should be broad and with friction grooves so as to control better the stability               and the change of momentum of the car